16Personal injury cases are the kind of cases that involves the result of an injury to either one of the involved parties whether it be physical or an emotional kind of trauma. After all, the tort law governs any form of legal claim that would soon arise from any kind of personal injury inflicted. The civil law is the main branch of the tort law that govern the rule that the plaintiff in the case is subjected to meet a specific amount of compensation for the victim in this case. It is very important to know that although the most common causes of a personal injury case would be the negligence of the plaintiff, there are also other reasons that could cause it becoming a personal injury case such as liability and intentional torts too.


The first thing that you must be wondering about is what exactly is a tort. A civil wrong that is shown or done to a person or to that person’s properties will constitute as a tort. Through that kind of wrong, a legal claim could now be forwarded to the authorities. Although it is true that the tort will only cover the damage that the property gets form the situation, when it comes to the person involved it not only includes physical damage but as well as emotional damage as well. These personal injury cases and medical malpractice virginia are unlike criminal proceedings that are usually initiated by government itself because this is more of a private kind of lawsuit that would involve private individuals against other individuals, organizations, businesses, or the government as well. Though sometimes there are some special case torts upon which the crimes are punishable, most of the time these torts will only be provided by a civil kind of remedy. Governance of the tort laws will only be claimed by the common law as well as the statutory law as well.


When it comes to what kind of liabilities that are basis of these laws, there are about three categories of these torts, the first one being negligence, the second being strict liability, and the third being intentional torts. Negligence is basically the kind of situation wherein a person has a shortcoming in providing safety for another person that would result to a form of injury or trauma later on. Cases from http://perrycharnoff.com/ that would involve strict liability are cases wherein the person who was held liable will answer for the kind of fault, negligent act, or intent act that caused the breakage of the liability that was strictly put into it. When it comes to intentional acts of harming other people and damaging properties, then that category will then belong to the intentional torts.


Now that you know what all of these personal injury cases are all about, you will not only be able to recognize this kind of case when it happens to you, but you will be able to avoid doing it intentionally or even by accident. Read http://www.ehow.com/about_6318970_job-description-litigation-secretary.html to learn the job description of litigation secretaries.